There are a wide variety of ministries that are happening at Northwest Community Church. We encourage everyone to check out the different ministries that we have.
We also encourage those that attend our church to get involved in some sort of ministry at our church. We are currently in need of someone to co-ordinate the greeters (make up a schedule), co-ordinate showers (plan and organize baby/wedding showers) and co-ordinate decorating (are you artistic ... you could decorate the church when needed).
There are also small groups ... lead or just be involved; Sunday School ... lead singing, teach adults or kids occasionally (everything is prepared for you); lodge service every other month (lead singing, speak or just attend to encourage the people living at the lodge); be a greeter Sunday morning; help take offering; help during the service; sing or have a reading or skit during the service, sing on a worship team; teach (entertain) young children during the sermon; run the computer or sound system during the service; server on a committee (family camp, elders, kitchen, fifty plus, mission, Bethel Camp); organize a men's ministry. God has given you a gift, we can help you use it.
For those that want to get involved please fill out the ministry application and complete the police record checks. We have also included a letter to download that allows you to get a police record check at no cost to you.
We also encourage those that attend our church to get involved in some sort of ministry at our church. We are currently in need of someone to co-ordinate the greeters (make up a schedule), co-ordinate showers (plan and organize baby/wedding showers) and co-ordinate decorating (are you artistic ... you could decorate the church when needed).
There are also small groups ... lead or just be involved; Sunday School ... lead singing, teach adults or kids occasionally (everything is prepared for you); lodge service every other month (lead singing, speak or just attend to encourage the people living at the lodge); be a greeter Sunday morning; help take offering; help during the service; sing or have a reading or skit during the service, sing on a worship team; teach (entertain) young children during the sermon; run the computer or sound system during the service; server on a committee (family camp, elders, kitchen, fifty plus, mission, Bethel Camp); organize a men's ministry. God has given you a gift, we can help you use it.
For those that want to get involved please fill out the ministry application and complete the police record checks. We have also included a letter to download that allows you to get a police record check at no cost to you.